Step 2: Have your vision checked!
Are you ready for the next step in your personal transformation? Then, it’s time to get your vision checked! Not your eyes, but your mind’s eye, your personal vision for your life. How clear is the image? In this exercise, you’ll give that dreamer inside of you a chance to sit in the driver’s seat and steer you on a fantastical trip into your future.
Some people like to write out their vision as a narrative, some as bullet points. Others prefer a visual, such as a collage or a map. It doesn’t matter what style you choose as long as it sparks those emotions you tapped into last week. Reading your vision or gazing at your map should arouse feelings of excitement, contentment, fulfillment or maybe even some trepidation, because you’re going to be stretching a bit. Make sure to keep it in a convenient place so you can view it regularly.
There are a few guidelines when creating a vision:
Blue sky it: In other words THINK BIG! Don’t worry if your ideas sound a little far out. This is a time to get over your hang-ups and fears and just lay your cards on the table. Maybe you’ll do all of these things, maybe you won’t. As you get further down the road, you can tweak. The important thing is to just put it all out there. For some inspiration, look back at your answers to Who do you want to be? Make sure your vision is in line with your answers.
Be specific and very detailed:
Where will you be living? City, suburbs, farm? condo, mansion? If your home is very important to you, imagine as many details as you can in order to create the “perfect home”. Here’s an example: I will live in a 4 bedroom ranch style house outside of Boulder, Colorado. It will sit on 4 acres of land and have a breathtaking, expansive view of the mountains My kitchen will have professional grade appliances, a large eating area and french doors that lead to the patio and built-in fire pit. I could go on and on, but you get the idea-design in your mind the perfect home, job, car, etc.
What will you be doing on a day to day basis? Working, volunteering, taking classes, traveling?
What do your relationships look like?
What will you do for fun?
And the list goes on…..
Incorporate emotions into your vision: Remember the question from last week- How do you want to feel? Look at your answers and make sure your vision aligns with those emotions. Use descriptive words and/or colorful images that stoke your imagination and make your hear sing with joy.
Have fun with this!
A final thought: Some will tell you to write this vision in the present tense, as if you are already living it. My advice is to do what seems natural to you. Next week, you’ll take this vision and start running with it!